Orbital disintegration of MIR-SAT 1

Captured in December 2021
Coast of Madagascar

Captured in September 2021
Mauritian EEZ
The first Mauritian Satellite (MIR-SAT1) was deployed from the International Space Station (ISS) on 22nd June 2021. This marked a significant milestone in the history of Mauritius, as Mauritius is now a space faring country. On the early morning of 19th April 2022, MIR-SAT1 re-entered into the Earth’s Atmosphere and has experienced orbital disintegration.
This first space mission has been successful since it has demonstrated that Mauritians have the ability to communicate, control and conduct tasks in space. The satellite has enabled Mauritians to acquire space technology and create awareness for the need for cutting-edge technology. Furthermore, spatial data can be used to advise policy makers and eventually be transformed into socio-economic benefits.
For more images, please check www.spacemauritius.com

Captured in September 2021
Mauritius Island under cloud & Reunion Island

Captured in March 2022
Part of Batsirai Cyclone
By: Dr V Bissonauth and Mr Z Soreefan